OK, next step
http://sting.net/l/stingr-20040506.patch.gz (patch to current cvs)

So what's up?
Here I tried to remove serious limitation. It is a proof-of-concept
hack, maybe the direction is totally wrong, but it works.

* Preamble
Many of us need MSISDNs. Not only for provisioning (e.g. substituting
into http request header), but, and most, for internal debugging
purposes and for accounting (to be shown in access log)

Many of us running many wapboxes - to protect from crashes, to protect
from slow and blocking gethostbyname calls, to protect from
C10K-threaded-case gliches.

* Current state
wapbox can act as blind radius accounting proxy, extracting msisdn
information from radius accounting packets and relaying it further, to
real accounting device.

This have the following limitation:
  We need to setup proper chain of wapbox -> radius, and ensure hat
  wapbox is always running - unachievable at this moment
  When one of wapboxes in chain dies for some reason, chain is broken,
  and accounting is no longer.

This was the only motivation to further work

* Proposed solution

Yes, again, as with curl, I'm putting an external dependency in
kannel! Now, to freeradius package.

freeradius is another proven free package for doing radius
authentication. I am using it here. Moreover, it can be used for

I've written a small module for freeradius, which can store
framed-ip-address to caller-id mappings in berkeleydb CDB
(concurrent data store, single writer-many readers) environment.

I written a complementary thing in kannel, which only doing lookups in
that environment.

* Installation
Take tarball, or original kannel patched with provided patch, and
compile it with --enable-cdb passed to configure

Take freeradius-0.9.3 and extract rlm_dbutmp.tar.gz into its
src/modules directory, and enable it when compiling.

* Configuration
in freeradius radiusd.conf
#in modules config
dbutmp {
        dbenv = /path/to/some/dir
        dbname = some-dbname

# in accounting {

# --- cut here ---

in kannel.conf

group = radius-acct
dbenv = "/path/to/some/dir"
dbname = "some-dbname"

# --- cut here ---

directory should be writable by bothradius and wapboxes.

it will write in access log (if you have access logging enabled)
msisdns enclosed in () just after IP address, or (-) if it cannot
determine msisdn for some reason (it's off, improperly configured,
radius is defunct etc.)

You can run multiple wapboxes with dbenv and dbname pointing to the
same place - it will work. It is designed for such setup :)

* Downloading

http://stingr.net/l/stingr-20040506.patch.gz (patch to current cvs)

http://stingr.net/l/rlm_dbutmp.tar.gz (freeradius module)

Paul P 'Stingray' Komkoff Jr // http://stingr.net/key <- my pgp key
 This message represents the official view of the voices in my head

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