Hi Ali, The way to calculate checksum is clearly described in UCP spec. But I see that you still can not understand this description. Below there is a perl function to calculate checksum that I use in my projects. The input parament is UCP string without checksum. Hope it will help you
Igor sub _checksum { my $chk = 0; map { $chk+=$_; } unpack("C*",shift); sprintf("%02X",$chk%256); } -----Original Message----- From: ali hadim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 11:17 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: UCP format and checksum Hello All, I need litte help for UCP format UCP format has checksum and I couldn't understand can you tell me how it is rule? because I will prepare project and will do encode and decode structure? For example, 00/00087/O/54/012345/0111111//////1/0654321/0100/////010197120501////3///////////////4C "4C" ? Thanks...