hi list,
today I added a new smsc http type to smsc_http.c .
The goal is to have a type that fully supports carmunity.
(A german sms-center who offers http-delivering of sms)

The following things work fine :
 - Kannel accepts the new type.
 - Messages will be sent to carmunity with the right url.
 - The messages arrives the right mobil pone.

Now my Problem :
Kannel shows me in the status-view, that the sms-sent failed.
The reason is, that carmunity responds in an other way then kannel
to succesfully sent sms :
Kannel only responds with a simple 'Sent.'
Carmunity however makes a more detailed respond :
200 Anmeldung erfolgreich /*login success*/
201 Empfänger angenommen /*receiver accepted*/
202 Versand erfolgreich /*message send*/
Anzahl der gesendeten SMS: 1 /*number of sent sms*/
Anzahl mit falschen Datum: 0 /*number with wrong date*/
Anzahl der Fehler beim Datenbankeintrag: 0 /*number of Errors during Database entry*/

Please tell me, how I have to modify kannel_parse_reply
to work with this kind of reply.

Jeremias M.

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