Dear Kannel friends,

1)How do your receive back in the dlr-url the information found in the
access.log [msg:%L:%b] about the dlr

According to the user guide: "If you set the dlr-mask=7 and
You only get the %d back so how do you get back the full msg part as seen in
the access.log i.e. [msg:107:id:0039677088
sub:001 dlvrd:001 submit date:040713233645 done date:040713233720
stat:DELIVRD err:000 Text: ] especially the code after the err: parameter.
In this case it's 000

I've got a requirement to extract the error codes for each SMS sent to
enable me to find out the reason
the SMS was not delivered so I'd need to extract from the DLR the error code
part after the err: parameter.
The SMSC provider will give me the reason the SMS was not delivered based on
the error code.
Then I would place this information in a mysql database corresponding to
that SMS based on the msgid.

Any idea how to do this as from the documentation the access log format is:
"access-log-format string String defining a custom log file line format.
May use escape codes as defined later on to substitute values of the
messages into the log entry.
If no custom log format is used the standard format will be: "%t %l
[SMSC:%i] [SVC:%n] [ACT:%A] [BINF:%B] [from:%p] [to:%P]
[flags:%m:%c:%M:%C:%d] [msg:%L:%b] [udh:%U:%u]"

How can you extract from [msg:%L:%b] %L and %b using the dlr-url or any
other means.
If I have to, I can change the kannel code and submit it, only which c file
pulls out the information %d to use in the dlr-url and maybe I can also pull
out the %L and %b as well.

2)A further related question is the codes used in the access.log are not all
defined in the table Table 6-9. Parameters (Escape Codes) so what these

Eg access.log
2004-07-14 19:41:29 Sent SMS [SMSC:mob] [SVC:tester] [ACT:] [BINF:]
[from:Bos] [to:27824496273] [flags:-1:0:-1:-1:7] [msg:5:test3] [udh:0:]
2004-07-14 20:47:33 DLR SMS [SMSC:mob] [SVC:tester] [ACT:] [BINF:]
[from:Bos] [to:27824496273] [flags:-1:-1:-1:-1:1] [msg:107:id:0039719965
sub:001 dlvrd:001 submit date:040714194238 done date:040714194322
stat:DELIVRD err:000 Text: ] [udh:0:]

Thanks any help appreciated.

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