Hi all ! I'm experimenting problems to send and receive info in ISO-8859-1 format, now, I haven't done anything yet to properly correct it because I don't know much to start with because I'm confused !
>From java, I'm posting to sendsms a phrase like : keyword_not_found, but, at my handset (Nokia3650) I get a text like keyword¿not¿found, so obviously I doing something wrong, in kannel confs I'm not specifying anything related to charsets at any place. The thing is, that I want to send and receive messages in with spanish using characters like áÁéÉíÍóÓúÚüÜñÑçÇ and other symbols like _ (underscore). I've tried some things but nothing yet seems to work fine. If some one (a latin chic@ perhaps?) would have an advice on this topic, would be highly appreciated ! Thanks a lot ! == Oscar OM MANI PEME HUM