On Fri, 2004-10-29 at 12:57, Alexander Malysh wrote:
> Hi Kalle,
> some comments to your patch...
> 1) don't use dict if you don't know how many items will be stored (dict
> filled to more as 80% works very slow). Here we should use something like
> red-black-tree.

Hm, I took a look at dict.c and while yes, it could slow down
considerably after getting filled, in any case this new system is
like 10 times as fast as the old one - as the old one used single
list, now at least it has 200 Lists =]
Yes, there is room for improvement, but this is far better this way
than it was earlier. I'd use it this way and just put into projects
'make it even more efficient' ... =] 

 &Kalle Marjola ::: Development ::: Helsinki ::: Enpocket

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