Hello !

I've been fighting a lot lately with smsc routing and several production
services, and i think it would be very nice

- to have an option to enable or disable an smsc in a config like:

smsc-enable = true | false

Resulting that some connections may not be active unless specified with
out the need to change files.

- Another nice thing would be to have a way to start and stop smsc
connections with out the need to restart the whole kannel, having that
would allow us to have a live production system and safely start and
stop other connections.

Ok, those two are things that would be very useful for me, but there's
another that before making a suggestion I would like to know what you
think or if some one if already working on it.

- When using http admin to restart kannel, happens sometimes that smsbox
doesn't make it to reconnect successfully to the bearerbox, it currently
works by waiting a few seconds to give time to the bearer to start, but
is that really correct? it doesn't always works well as it happens on my
system, my system would require more time, that is, by hand.
I've thought of possible solutions, but they doesn't seem so correct
either. I'll show them 2 u as a brainstorm:

+ Make smsbox try to connect several times until it makes a connection
or a time out or something similar occurs.
+ Make smsbox do a sort of port scan to the bearer port until its open
and connect to it.
+ Have a concertation box, that is, a box that receives all commands to
bearer and/or smsbox and administers order of things and monitors how
things are going to prevent errors from happening.
+ Let bearerbox to start explicitly the smsbox by executing it only when
it is ready.

Ok there's my participation as brainstorm, some ideas ??

== Oscar

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