Hi Stipe !

Thanx! I was searching in the wrong place jeje :).

> > PS> Just to let you know, I'm writing a spec of the current Kannel box
> > protocol to allow programmers in other langs (like java) to connect to
> > kannel as a box.
> ok, interesting. What kind of spec will it be?

Will be an explanation of how the packages between boxes are coded
(BNF), their meaning, how to use them, creation of a java API to
read/write this kind of packages, a small testing jsmsbox, and some
other work that I may not be allowed to release until some time. The API
will definitely be OpenSource any way.

This whole work should be finished until next Summer, it is part of my
thesis work.
In it, I will probably release some recommendations to make current
protocol more correct, efficient, and feature enabled.

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