Hello Stipe ,
Hello all,

I'm a very old user for kannel , and I used to compile it on
cygwin-windows 2003 server and it was working fine till compiled the last
stable 1.4.0 then problems started bearerbox takes 100% of the cpu and I
lose the store file if I restarted kannel (all queued messages lost). I thought that the problem in the cygwin-windows , I decided to go for linux
and I could successfully compile on redhat and I found the same problem
about 80% of the cpu goes for bearerbox and same problem if I restarted the
kannel I lose all queued messages. Considering that 1-I return to ver 1.3.2rc1 on cygwin-windows system and on redhat system ,
all is fine and no problems cpu is about 2% and all looks so great
2-my kannel.conf was the same in my all tests
I think that something is wrong in the ver. 1.4.0

Hmm. Ok, regarding using Kannel on Cygwin (win32) it is _not_ as stable as on Linux/UNIX. Cygwin has still problems with the pthread lib and recently we had issues with rwlocks that Alex introduced for various issues.

But I'm having dubts that this is impacting Linux too. We don't see such load situations on our machines.

Would you mind to forward the config file for a local test? Can you describe if the cpu load situation can be reproduced deterministical?


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