Yury.Mikhienko wrote:

charset_convert (gwlib/charset.c) function generate the following errors:

2005-03-09 15:40:47 [20872] [7] DEBUG: WSP: Converting from <text/vnd.wap.wml> to <application/vnd.wap.wmlc>
2005-03-09 15:40:47 [20872] [7] DEBUG: WML compiler: Transcoding from <ISO-8859-1> to UTF-8
2005-03-09 15:40:47 [20872] [7] DEBUG: WML compiler: Charset is <ISO-8859-1>
2005-03-09 15:40:47 [20872] [7] DEBUG: WML compiler: Encoding is <ISO-8859-1>
2005-03-09 15:40:47 [20872] [7] INFO: WBXML: No wbxml version given, assuming 1.1
2005-03-09 15:40:47 [20872] [7] DEBUG: WBXML: WML with ExternalID <-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN>
2005-03-09 15:40:47 [20872] [7] ERROR: Failed to convert string from <UTF-8> to <ISO-8859-1>, errno was <84>
2005-03-09 15:40:47 [20872] [7] DEBUG: Found an invalid multibyte sequence at position <0>
2005-03-09 15:40:47 [20872] [7] ERROR: Failed to convert XML attribute value from charset <UTF-8> to <ISO-8859-1>, will leave as is.
2005-03-09 15:40:47 [20872] [7] DEBUG: Found an invalid multibyte sequence at position <1>
2005-03-09 15:40:47 [20872] [7] DEBUG: Found an invalid multibyte sequence at position <1>
2005-03-09 15:40:47 [20872] [7] DEBUG: Found an invalid multibyte sequence at position <8>

May be charset_to_utf8 function is incorrect?

So works fine in* *previous snapshots.

fix that after rollback the http://www.kannel.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/gateway/gwlib/http.c.diff?r1=1.225&r2=1.226&sortby=date patch
now log is:
2005-03-09 17:55:04 [22126] [7] DEBUG: WML compiler: Charset is <>
2005-03-09 17:55:04 [22126] [7] DEBUG: WML compiler: Encoding is <UTF-8> -- may be reason in that?


Best regards,
Yury Mikhienko.
IT ERP group head, ZAO "Mobikom-Kavkaz"
mob: +7 (928) 2010199
tel: +7 (863) 2704188

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