
I see the latest kannel comes with a wtls implementation. Are there any
security issues with the wtls implementation.

Does the fakewap test usage of wtls as well? What simulator can i use to
test the wtls implementation? I tried the Nokia 7210 emulator but it fails
to connect.

I tried to access http://www.google.com using the fakewap but it either
timesout or i get

./fakewap -n 100 -c 10 http://www.google,com
ERROR: Could'nt fetch http://www.google.com
ERROR: WSP lookup failed.

Is there something i have to change for it to access pages like google?

first of all, the WTLS implementation inside kannel is still "unfinished", unfortunatly. There are large parts of the base infrastructure for it, but it's *not* operational yet.

(as a side note: there is a kwtls extention package proxy'ing WTLS datagram ports 9202, 9203 for beaerbox contributed by a company not existing anymore. This should have been ported to kannel, but non of the developers has picked this istem to finish. Any volonteers? Beware extremly good crypto knowledge is needed.)

fakewap is a mediatery WAP client simulator, connecting to bearerbox that provides the UDP hooks for the WDP (port 9200) or WTP (port 9201) WAP 1.2.x layers. So you need to start bearerbox and wapbox as daemon to be able to use fakewap locally.

In adition we have a version of Kannel running as WAP gateway on our OpenGroup REFPOOL reference gw, that is used to certify new WAP-enabled devices:

  host: wapgw.refpool.kannel.org
  ports: 9200 (WDP), 9201 (WTP)

So you could use

  $ fakewap -g wapgw.refpool.kannel.org http://www.google.com


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40589 Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany

tolj.org system architecture      Kannel Software Foundation (KSF)
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