Hi Paul,

+1 for the at2 part.

-1 for the reassemble part. Your patch will never work reliable because not only msisdn + refnum should be considered.
Reassemble should have triple as key: SMSC, msisdn, refnum.
IMO bb_boxc.c is the wrong place for this, bb_smscconn suites better because bb_boxc just generic connection module for external boxes and should have nothing todo with SMS magic.

Am 08.01.2007, 05:28 Uhr, schrieb Paul Bagyenda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Oops! Yes there was a small bug  once duplicate copies of the same
message part were received (trying to debug-dump the sender address
after free-ing the message structure). I've corrected this -- patch

I've also included a patch (also posted earlier) to the AT2 module
that is still missing from CVS and is crucial: The way UDH is parsed/
stored by the AT2 module is different from how other modules (at
least SMPP) do it, which means that you see a different UDH byte
sequence internally if you use AT2, from what you see with say SMPP.
Without this patch too, the concat module would not work with AT2.

Please test and put through some votes!



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