I like to add query_sm support to kannel, this PDU was described in SMPP
connection and with this method you can check status of sent messages. it
can be helpful in too failure environments or to use SMPP connection in off
line mode.
As I found I should send an id to SMSC center. This id was declared with
SMSC at first time original message sent. I want to know where kannel store
these numbers. Is ID in DLR queue is the same or not?
Next the SMSC will response in query_sm_resp PDU.
As described scenario shows we need two steps: sending queries and parsing
response PDU. For first step we should add a getting method to capture these
queries or do it automatic for messages waiting for DLR response. This
process need to create a pdu and call send_pdu to SMSC which is not so hard.

And next step As I found that this process should handle in handle_pdu
function and add a category in switch condition of this function.
I like to sure about my steps of completing this ability and at last if
possible add it to main CVS of kannel.
I will be glad if you say your viewpoints about this strategy.
All bests,

--Vahid Ghafarpour.
vahid at ghafarpour dot ir
ghafarpour at gmail dot com
  • query_sm Vahid Ghafarpour

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