You're right, part of a throttling patch slept in. This wasn't intended, sorry :P

I've removed the throttling patch, fixed the indent and the dict_put_once.

Please see attached.

Alejandro Guerrieri

Attachment: kannel-dlr-meta-data-20090504.patch
Description: Binary data

On 04/05/2009, at 11:22, Alexander Malysh wrote:


some comments to your patch:

+               /*
+ * If we don't replace the values, copy the old Dict values to the new Dict
+                */
+               if (replace == 0) {
+                       keys = dict_keys(curr->values);
+                       while((key = gwlist_extract_first(keys)) != NULL) {
+ dict_put((Dict*)dict, key, octstr_duplicate(dict_get(curr->values, key)));

here you overwrite new values with old values. Try dict_put_once instead.


+                       }
+                       gwlist_destroy(keys, NULL);
+               }
+                       dict_destroy(curr->values);
+                       curr->values = (Dict*)dict;


+ struct timeval last_mt_microtime; /* the last microtime a MT was sent over the SMSC */
+} SMPP;

seems some throttling part is there. Please drop it.

Yes, this was unintended, sorry.

+    /* Foreign ID on MO's Patch */
+    msg->sms.foreign_id = pdu->u.deliver_sm.receipted_message_id;
+    pdu->u.deliver_sm.receipted_message_id = NULL;


Please only one logical change in patch.


Am 30.04.2009 um 23:14 schrieb Alejandro Guerrieri:

Ok, please have a look at the attached patch. I had to modify meta_data_set_values (plural) to allow for appending (otherwise it would erase the data coming from the dlr with the data from the pdu). I think it's a nice feature to have anyway, just like meta_data_set_value (singular) does.

Alejandro Guerrieri


On 30/04/2009, at 15:32, Alexander Malysh wrote:

Am 30.04.2009 um 15:20 schrieb Alejandro Guerrieri:

Ok, I definitely could do that, the only problem is how will I test for it afterwards (not sure if my test binds work with that tlv).

I'll figure out something I guess ;)

modify test/drive_smpp.c ;)

Alejandro Guerrieri

On 30/04/2009, at 14:18, Alexander Malysh wrote:


+1 for this patch :)

As to the original patch, you should first check for network_error_code TLV before going to parse message payload. Only of it's not there you should parse payload. So in this form -1 for this patch.


P.S. Please integrate both patches together.

Am 30.04.2009 um 12:46 schrieb Alejandro Guerrieri:


What about something like this (in addition to my former patch):

Index: gw/smsc/smsc_smpp.c
= = =================================================================
--- gw/smsc/smsc_smpp.c (revision 29)
+++ gw/smsc/smsc_smpp.c (working copy)
@@ -1374,11 +1374,16 @@
    * we found the delivery report in our storage, so recode the
    * message structure.
    * The DLR trigger URL is indicated by msg->sms.dlr_url.
-         * Add the DLR error code as billing identifier.
+         * Add the DLR error code to meta-data.
   dlrmsg->sms.msgdata = octstr_duplicate(respstr);
   dlrmsg->sms.sms_type = report_mo;
-        dlrmsg->sms.binfo = octstr_duplicate(err);
+        if (err != NULL) {
+            if (dlrmsg->sms.meta_data == NULL) {
+               dlrmsg->sms.meta_data = octstr_create("");
+            }
+ meta_data_set_value(dlrmsg->sms.meta_data, "smpp", octstr_imm("dlr_err"), err, 1);
+        }
} else {
error(0,"SMPP[%s]: got DLR but could not find message or was not interested "
           "in it id<%s> dst<%s>, type<%d>",

Alejandro Guerrieri

On 30/04/2009, at 9:30, Alexander Malysh wrote:


I don't like passing err in binfo field. IMO binfo should be used for billing identifier but not for smpp error code. I would prefer to see patch that drop err from binfo and make use of meta-data (group dlr?).


Am 29.04.2009 um 18:10 schrieb Alejandro Guerrieri:

This patch fixes a bug when parsing DLR's:

As the code is now, if a DLR having a receipted_message_id, the DLR text is not parsed, so the "err" and "stat" fields are empty.

In particular, the "err" code is being passed on the "binfo" field, so this remained empty if a receipted_message_id is present (because the sscanf code was not executed).

Attached patch fixes that part, so the "err" parameter is present on the binfo field on all cases.

Alejandro Guerrieri


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