Hi Julien,

I think it would be great to have this on redmine wiki ?
would you like to put it there?


Am 10.06.2009 um 09:41 schrieb Julien Buratto:

Dear all,

since I've noticed that people has been asking a lot in the user@ list
(and sometimes in the devel too) and that Kannel has performed a great
improvement from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 with the internal handling of UTF
characters, I tough it was a good idea to write some notes on how to
deal with foreign characters and kannel and examples for old and new

The result is the document that I'm providing to the devel@ first for
a first technical evaluation - any comment/note will be very appreciated.

A PDF and .docx version is available at http://www.linkas.it/docs/kannel/
Both have still comments and notes available.

The goal of this document is to be available to everyone asking as a
starting reading point.
I'm sure it can be improved, but with your help I'm sure we can make it better.

Thanks for helping and thanks to those that through many posts in the
lists wrote solutions and suggestions.


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