Hi Developers, i've been prooving the dbpool of kannel in the following
scenario and i've found some problems

static DBPool *pool3 = NULL; //GLOBAL

void voDBInitalization()
    CfgGroup *grp;
    Octstr *host, *username, *password, *database;
    long port;

    grp = cfg_get_single_group(cfg, octstr_imm("Database"));

    if((host = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("Host")))==NULL)
            panic(0, "Host");
    if((username = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("User")))==NULL)
            panic(0, "User");
    if((password = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("Password")))==NULL)
            panic(0, "passl");
    if((database = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("DBName")))==NULL)
            panic(0, "db");
    if (cfg_get_integer(&port, grp, octstr_imm("Port")) == -1)
            panic(0, "port");

        db_conf = gw_malloc(sizeof(DBConf));

        gw_assert(db_conf != NULL);

       db_conf->mysql = gw_malloc(sizeof(MySQLConf));

    gw_assert(db_conf->mysql != NULL);

        db_conf->mysql->host = host;
        db_conf->mysql->port = port;
        db_conf->mysql->username = username;
        db_conf->mysql->password = password;
        db_conf->mysql->database = database;

        pool = dbpool_create(DBPOOL_MYSQL, db_conf, 2);

    gw_assert(pool != NULL);

int main (){

  threads[j++] = gwthread_create(thread1,&stParam);
                threads[j++] = gwthread_create(thread2,&stParam);

for (i = 0; i < j; ++i)

 thread1 and thread2 share the pool and try the query when dbpool_check
returns >=1.

Both threads check the pool with dbpool_check(pool)  and its works correctly
a few minutes but then the program throw panic because the function
dbpool_check call
pconn = gwlist_get(p->pool, i);  AND THE FOLLOWING CONDITION DOESN'T MATCH
gw_assert(pos < list->len); in gwlist_get

I supose something like this is happening:  one thread get the len of the
pool and then the other deletes one element when the dbpool_check try to
re-establish some connection, so, the first thread has a inconsitent len of
the pool.

i hope that i have explained the problem in the right way and sorry for the

Esteban L. Cacavelos de Amoriza
Cel: 0981 220 429

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