Dear Ulrich ,
                First sorry for delay cause I try those at my weekend .
I installed nodejs and tried to run it with my kannel.conf
And all what I got that it did not listen to any port , it just gives me this
[xx@LinuxGate badlee-kannel.js-22a3369]$ node hellobox.js
{ heartBeat: null,
  connected: false,
   { core: [ [Object] ],
     smsbox: [ [Object] ],
     smsc: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
     'sendsms-user': [ [Object] ] } }
Connect :  { address: '', port: 50515 }
hello box is connected to

plz how could I make use of it to can test ?

Best Regards,

Ahmed Shabana | System Engineer | Creative Communication Solutions
Egypt M +20 (10) 3325373    | Tel +20 (50) 2528897
Saudi M + 966 (54) 8065712 | Tel +966 (1) 4040638

From: Ulrich Badinga []
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 10:51 AM
To: Rene Kluwen
Cc: Ahmed Shabana;
Subject: Re: Help communication IPC bearebox<->smsbox bearbox<->wapbox etc...

i finish the kannel box protocol for node.js i push my work on github 
thank's for your contribution. if you can play with and share your experience, 
i'll you grateful.

Best Regards.
On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 4:08 PM, Rene Kluwen 
<<>> wrote:
An alternative for such a load of messages is using sqlbox.
But if you want to use the bearerbox-protocol, per se, look at the sources, 
mainly the function msg_pack.
The bearerbox protocol sends messages like this over and back via a tcp link.

== Rene

[<>] On Behalf Of 
Ulrich Badinga
Sent: Monday, 24 October, 2011 16:54

To: Ahmed Shabana
Subject: Re: Help communication IPC bearebox<->smsbox bearbox<->wapbox etc...

Hi Ahmed,

I use http interface of smsbox, but i lose many SMS when the queue is big like 
8000 SMS. if i wan't lose some sms, i will catch it directly from bearbox....


On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 9:44 AM, Ahmed Shabana 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Ulrich ,
If you just want to send and receive why not make use of standard http 
interface of the smsbox ! did have any special need ?

Best Regards,

Ahmed Shabana | System Engineer | Creative Communication Solutions
Egypt M +20 (10) 3325373<tel:%2B20%20%2810%29%203325373>    | Tel +20 (50) 
Saudi M + 966 (54) 8065712<tel:%2B%20966%20%2854%29%208065712> | Tel +966 (1) 

From: Ulrich Badinga 
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 10:10 AM
To: Ahmed Shabana
Subject: Re: Help communication IPC bearebox<->smsbox bearbox<->wapbox etc...

Hi Ahmed,

I talk about internal kannel components,
communication bearebox<->smsbox, bearerbox<->wapbox...
i want connect my application to kannel for receive SMS...

Best Regards.
On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Ahmed Shabana 
<<>> wrote:
Sorry , I want to know what you mean with kannel’s communication protocol ? did 
you mean that communicates the internal kannel components or communication 
protocol with providers ?

Best Regards,

Ahmed Shabana | System Engineer | Creative Communication Solutions
Egypt M +20 (10) 3325373<tel:%2B20%20%2810%29%203325373>    | Tel +20 (50) 
Saudi M + 966 (54) 8065712<tel:%2B%20966%20%2854%29%208065712> | Tel +966 (1) 

[<>] On Behalf Of 
Ulrich Badinga
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 6:11 PM
Subject: Help communication IPC bearebox<->smsbox bearbox<->wapbox etc...

I want implement the kannel's communication protocol in anothe language 
(javascript via node.js,php  and python) for extend capabilitie and more 
flexibilities the lib will be opensource and free on github.
I want the description of this protocol and documentation or details on 
communication architecture.

Thanks, Regards.

Ps : I'm french, also excuse my english.

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