On Wednesday, 2012-04-04 at 03:15:32 PM, Garima Tiwari scribbled:


> [root@localhost mongo-c-driver]# md5sum /usr/local/include/mongo/bson.h
> md5sum: /usr/local/include/mongo/bson.h: No such file or directory

Garima, the solution is to install the @mongo-c-driver@ as Roman's
@configure@ script expects.


If you copy and paste my commands... you will have to patch
@configure.in@. Just copy and paste the diff from my previous email.


> [root@localhost ~]#  pushd mongo-c-driver
> ~/mongo-c-driver ~
> [root@localhost mongo-c-driver]# mkdir -p
> /var/tmp/root/usr/local/include/mongo
> [root@localhost mongo-c-driver]# mkdir -p /var/tmp/root/usr/local/lib
> [root@localhost mongo-c-driver]# cp libmongoc.*
> /var/tmp/root/usr/local/lib/.
> [root@localhost mongo-c-driver]# cp src/*.h
> /var/tmp/root/usr/local/include/mongo/.
> [root@localhost mongo-c-driver]# popd


By the way, you should *probably not* work on your system as root
(unless it is a snapshot-ed virtual machine). ;-O

Good luck. Peace out.

Benjamin Lee                           mailto:benjamin....@realthought.net
Melbourne, Australia                            http://www.realthought.net
Linux / BSD / GNU                                     tel:+61 4 16 BEN LEE

Open Source               "invest in your world"
It is equally bad when one speeds on the guest unwilling to go, and when he
holds back one who is hastening.  Rather one should befriend the guest who
is there, but speed him when he wishes.
                -- Homer, "The Odyssey"

        [Quoted in "VMS Internals and Data Structures", V4.4, when
         referring to scheduling.]

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