This is my pap and m-notification-ind

Hypertext Transfer Protocol
    POST /ppg HTTP/1.0\r\n
        Request Method: POST
        Request URI: /ppg
        Request Version: HTTP/1.0
    Content-Length: 836\r\n
        [Content length: 836]
    Host: 172.XX.X.XX:9080\r\n
    Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=asdlfkjiurwghasf;
MIME Multipart Media Encapsulation, Type: multipart/related, Boundary:
    [Type: multipart/related]
    First boundary: --asdlfkjiurwghasf\r\n
    Encapsulated multipart part:  (application/xml)
        eXtensible Markup Language
            <!DOCTYPE pap PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD PAP 1.0//EN" "";>

    Boundary: \r\n--asdlfkjiurwghasf\r\n
    Encapsulated multipart part:  (application/vnd.wap.mms-message)
        X-Wap-Application-Id: 4\r\n
        Content-Type: application/vnd.wap.mms-message\r\n\r\n
        MMS Message Encapsulation, Type: m-notification-ind
            X-Mms-Message-Type: m-notification-ind (0x82)
            X-Mms-Transaction-ID: 0140000014871120725153129001
            X-Mms-MMS-Version: 1.0
            X-Mms-Expiry: 172777.000000000 seconds
            From: +5534XXXXXXXX/TYPE=PLMN
            X-Mms-Message-Class: Personal (0x80)
            X-Mms-Message-Size: 248146
    Last boundary: \r\n--asdlfkjiurwghasf--

tks again


2012/7/26 Rafael Aquino <>

> Hello Andreas, thks for help-me,
> I found one thing,
> when the parameter of pap "progress-notes-requested" at the beginning of
> this wapbox the tag is killed when he is at the end of the tag or not there
> is wapbox is alive and sends the wappush.
> huawei as MMSC sends the "progress-notes-requested" at the beginning of
> the tag I removed a sentence "IF" File "wap_push_pap_compiler.c"
> 1293    if (octstr_compare (element_name, octstr_imm ("push-message")) ==
> 0) {
> 1294    if (octstr_compare (attr_name, Octstr_imm 1295 ("progress-notes-
> requested")) == 0)
> 1296      (** e). U.Push_Message.progress_notes_requested =
> 1297    (ret = parse_requirement (attr_value))> = 0? ret 0;
> and then the wapbox not die again
> but even so, the phone does not understand the message and will not get
> MMS.
> do not know if there's something about this but in the MMSE is malformed
> packet wireshark seconds:
> Wireless Session Protocol, Method: Push (0x06), Content-Type:
> application/vnd.wap.mms-message
>     Transaction ID: 0x14
>     PDU Type: Push (0x06)
>     Headers Length: 73
>     Content-Type: application/vnd.wap.mms-message
>     Headers
>         X-Wap-Application-Id:
>         Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
>         Content-Length: 330
>         Encoding-Version: 1.3
> MMS Message Encapsulation, Type: Unknown type 45
>     X-Mms-Message-Type: Unknown (0x2d)
> [Malformed Packet: MMSE]
>     [Expert Info (Error/Malformed): Malformed Packet (Exception occurred)]
>         [Message: Malformed Packet (Exception occurred)]
>         [Severity level: Error]
>         [Group: Malformed]
> sorry for my terrible inglish.
> best regards,
> Rafael Aquino
> 2012/7/26 Andreas Fink <>
>> try running it in the debugger and produce a backtrace if possible. If
>> the wapbox is killed its most likely a bug.
>> Furthermore, there is no PANIC text in the trace below. Check the
>> logfiles for more info (run with log-level=0)
>> It should probably say where it crashes.
>> On 25.07.2012, at 20:14, Rafael Aquino wrote:
>> hello All,
>> i have a problem using the kannel PPG with huawei MMSC sending mmsc wap
>> push, can you hellp me?
>> 2012-07-25 14:53:01 [25836] [12] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for
>> `172.XX.X.XX'.
>> 2012-07-25 14:53:01 [25836] [12] DEBUG: HTTP: Created HTTPClient area
>> 0xa5eb3d0.
>> 2012-07-25 14:53:01 [25836] [15] INFO: PPG: Accept request </ppg> from
>> <172.XX.X.XX>
>> 2012-07-25 14:53:01 [25836] [15] DEBUG: PPG: http_read_thread: pap
>> multipart accepted
>> 2012-07-25 14:53:01 [25836] [15] PANIC: /usr/bin/wapbox [0x475d3f]
>> 2012-07-25 14:53:01 [25836] [15] PANIC: /lib64/
>> [0x3ba780ebe0]
>> 2012-07-25 14:53:01 [25836] [15] PANIC: /usr/bin/wapbox [0x425360]
>> 2012-07-25 14:53:01 [25836] [15] PANIC: /usr/bin/wapbox [0x424ff2]
>> 2012-07-25 14:53:01 [25836] [15] PANIC: /usr/bin/wapbox [0x424fd1]
>> 2012-07-25 14:53:01 [25836] [15] PANIC: /usr/bin/wapbox(pap_compile+0x88)
>> [0x425678]
>> 2012-07-25 14:53:01 [25836] [15] PANIC: /usr/bin/wapbox [0x41bdf0]
>> 2012-07-25 14:53:01 [25836] [15] PANIC: /usr/bin/wapbox [0x461235]
>> 2012-07-25 14:53:01 [25836] [15] PANIC: /lib64/
>> [0x3ba780677d]
>> 2012-07-25 14:53:01 [25836] [15] PANIC: /lib64/
>> [0x3ba70d49ad]
>> the wapbox is killed by PPG request from MMSC
>>          <?xml
>>                 version="1.0"
>>                 ?>
>>             <!DOCTYPE pap PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD PAP 1.0//EN" "
>>             <pap>
>>                 <push-message
>>                     progress-notes-requested="false"
>>                     ppg-notify-requested-to="http://172.XX.X.XXX/was";
>>                     push-id="000120000015559120725145436001">
>>                     <address
>>                         address-value="
>> WAPPUSH=+5534XXXXXXXX/TYPE=p...@172.xx.x.xx">
>>                         </address>
>>                     <quality-of-service
>>                         bearer-required="true"
>>                         bearer="SMS"
>>                         network-required="true"
>>                         network="GSM"
>>                         delivery-method="unconfirmed"
>>                         priority="medium">
>>                         </quality-of-service>
>>                     </push-message>
>>                 </pap>
>> my last config:
>> group = core
>> admin-port = 13000
>> wapbox-port = 13002
>> smsbox-port = 13003
>> admin-password = XXXX
>> status-password = YYYY
>> wdp-interface-name = "*"
>> log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log"
>> log-level = 0
>> box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
>> box-allow-ip = ""
>> access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"
>> store-type = file
>> store-location = "/var/log/kannel/sms-store.dta"
>> group = wapbox
>> bearerbox-host =
>> log-file = "/var/log/kannel/wapbox.log"
>> log-level = 0
>> syslog-level = none
>> access-log = "/var/log/kannel/wapaccess.log"
>> group = radius-acct
>> our-port = 1813
>> secret-nas = 1212
>> remote-host =
>> remote-port = 1646
>> secret-radius = 1212
>> group = smsbox
>> bearerbox-host =
>> sendsms-port = 13013
>> log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log"
>> log-level = 0
>> access-log = "/var/log/kannel/smsaccess.log"
>> sendsms-url = /cgi-bin/sendsms
>> mo-recode = true
>> group = ppg
>> ppg-url = /ppg
>> ppg-port = 9080
>> concurrent-pushes = 100
>> default-smsc = fo
>> users=1024
>> global-sender ="+5534XXXXXX"
>> service-name = PPG0
>> trusted-pi = true
>> ppg-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
>> group = smsc
>> smsc = smpp
>> smsc-id = fo
>> no-sender = true
>> no-coding = true
>> transceiver-mode = yes
>> smsc-username = XXXX
>> smsc-password = XXXXXX
>> system-type = "WAP"
>> service-type = "WAP"
>> host =
>> port = 5019
>> dest-addr-ton = 1
>> dest-addr-npi = 1
>> bind-addr-ton = 1
>> bind-addr-npi = 1
>> #msg-id-type = "0x00"
>> receive-port = ""
>> my-number = "+5534XXXXXX"
>> please help me...
>> Rafael Aquino

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