. really I do not know what is ACK=8 so please capture real dlr and forward it 
to us , 
. our system send a round 400K ~ 600K per day
. the speed depending in your smscs { contract : number of session and number 
of SMSs per Second for each session } we have a huge number of smscs and we use 
mysql indexed dlr storage   

From: KC [kiangchi...@dv9.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 8:57 AM
To: Ahmed Shabana
Cc: Willy Mularto; de...@vm1.kannel.org
Subject: Re: delivery report

Hi Shabana,

The following is the detail of Kannel version that I am currently using now

Kannel bearerbox version `1.4.2'. Build `Jan 21 2009 15:21:38', compiler
`4.1.2 20071124 (Red Hat 4.1.2-42)'. System Linux, release
2.6.18-308.4.1.el5PAE, version
    #1 SMP Tue Apr 17 17:47:38 EDT 2012, machine i686

The DLR always stuck at ACK=8 when the system send a large number of SMS
via cron job. May I know how many SMS that your production system try to
send per day ?  Our system take about 2 hours to send out 1104 SMS. I
already keep the script to delay 6 second per SMS, should I increase the
delay time ?

YOu said you are using dlr-mask = 7 (1=success, 2=failed, then what is
4=xxxx ??)

On 5/9/2012 4:46 PM, Ahmed Shabana wrote:
> Strange , we use dlr-mask = 7 in  our production and get sufficient 
> information , any way
> regard the suspended DLR your can remove it by free 2 files a. "store-file " 
> and you will find local file backup located in the same dir of the store-file 
> with the same name and .bak extension
> could you forward 1)  the kannel version you use
> and 2)  sample smpp dump or tshark capture of the dlr that returned from your 
> provider ?
> ________________________________________
> From: KC [kiangchi...@dv9.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 8:12 AM
> To: Ahmed Shabana
> Cc: Willy Mularto; de...@vm1.kannel.org
> Subject: Re: delivery report
> Today I tried to send out 1100 SMS message to public users, the kannel
> only able get the delivery status report SUCCESS for the 301 message, then
> the rest of the SMS only received the ACK = 8  (SMSC SUBMIT) delivery
> status report.
> I was using the dlr-mask=31, to capture any status returned from SMS
> center. I have set restrict my PHP script
> only send out SMS per 6 seconds to avoid the kannel overloaded. It seems
> like the delivery status report still unstable.
> Since the last delivery status report that captured from the system is 8
> (sms center submit), it is quite hard for us to
> confirm if the SMS has reached to the recipient mobile.
> I have tried to check the kannel status with the following command
> lynx<port_number>/status?password=<pass>
> Then I found the DLR got 679 queue. Most of the time this number will
> not reset to zero until I restart the kannel.
> Status: running, uptime 0d 6h 39m 33s
> WDP: received 0 (0 queued), sent 0 (0 queued)
> SMS: received 1334 (0 queued), sent 985 (0 queued), store size 0
> SMS: inbound (0.01,0.00,0.06) msg/sec, outbound (0.04,0.04,0.04) msg/sec
>    DLR: 679 queued, using internal storage
>    Box connections:
>          smsbox:(none), IP (0 queued), (on-line 0d 6h 39m 33s)
> SMSC connections:
>          IN    AT2[IN] (online 23955s, rcvd 1333, sent 985, failed 0,
> queued 0 msgs)
> On 2/9/2012 5:22 PM, Ahmed Shabana wrote:
>> You can check the memory queue from the Kannel store-status page  .
>> Best Regards,
>> Ahmed Shabana | Creative Communication Solutions - Cequens
>> Skypeid : AhmedShabana2000
>> El-Serag Mall, Building # 2, 11371 Nasr City - Cairo - Egypt
>> King Fahd Road, ABRAJ Atta'awuneya, North Tower, 11311 Riyadh - Saudi Arabia
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: devel-boun...@kannel.org [mailto:devel-boun...@kannel.org] On Behalf 
>> Of KC
>> Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 10:04 AM
>> To: Willy Mularto
>> Cc: de...@vm1.kannel.org
>> Subject: Re: delivery report
>> Strange thing is I only can receive the status report 8 or 16 only.
>> Can you please advice is there any way I can check the queue ?
>> Regards,
>> KC
>> On 27/8/2012 3:43 PM, Willy Mularto wrote:
>>> A bit weird, but it might be caused by too many pending final DLR and the 
>>> queue reached the threshold and  Kannel started to ignore incoming DLR.
>>> On Aug 27, 2012, at 2:32 PM, KC wrote:
>>>> Hi Willy,
>>>> Thanks for the response. Dlr-Mask is 31. Last time we can accept the 
>>>> delivery status success report.
>>>> I just tried to restart the kannel and send a test SMS. Now I can
>>>> receive the SUCESSS delivery report after restarting the kannel. Do you 
>>>> know what cause this issues ?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> KC
>>>> On 27/8/2012 3:06 PM, Willy Mularto wrote:
>>>>> This should be posted to users's list. There are some possibilities:
>>>>> 1. What is your dlr-mask?
>>>>> 2. Have you checked with your telco?
>>>>> 3. or have you checked  the bearerbox log?
>>>>> On Aug 27, 2012, at 1:52 PM, KC wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Support,
>>>>>> I have tried to set the following
>>>>>> dlr-mask=31&dlr-url=
>>>>>> %A&LogID=xxxx
>>>>>> Previously we still can receive the delivery status report success "1" 
>>>>>> from the dlr-url.
>>>>>> Since last 2 weeks our system never received the delivery success report 
>>>>>> (1 : delivery success).
>>>>>> Now the system only receive the following delivery status
>>>>>> 8  : smsc submit
>>>>>> 16 : smsc reject
>>>>>> Can you please advice ?
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> KC
>>>>> Willy Mularto
>>>>> F300HD+MR18DE (NLC1725)
>>> Willy Mularto
>>> F300HD+MR18DE (NLC1725)

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