Hi Artem,

thanks for your patch. I commited the first part of your patch but not sure if 
we need the second
part, therefore not commited yet.


Am 14.09.2014 um 13:06 schrieb Artem Pylypchuk <artic...@ua.fm>:

> Hi! I have a new patch to gwlib, it adds two different features related to 
> openssl.
> 1)
> When sending to a proprietary SSL server which has trouble with SSL method 
> chosen, one may receive errors like:
> ERROR: SSL write failed: OpenSSL error 1: 
> error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)
> which aren't very verbose :(
> While connection and negotiation errors can be traced by the user outside 
> gwlib, there is the unlocked_write() function inside conn.c that produces 
> these write errors. The following patch has allowed me to trace it into this 
> openssl bug http://cvs.openssl.org/chngview?cn=22565 (bad renegotiation):
> ERROR: SSL write failed: OpenSSL error 1: 
> error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)
> ERROR: SSL error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number
> 2)
> The other part of the patch allows the user to manually set the SSL for 
> Connection, in a workflow like this:
> (it uses a config option use_ssl, that switches either from strictly TLSv1 to 
> a negotiation that disallows SSLv2 and TLSv1_1, usually ending up in SSLv3 
> for my server )
> my_ssl_context = SSL_CTX_new(use_ssl ? SSLv23_client_method() : 
> TLSv1_client_method());
>    SSL_CTX_set_mode(my_ssl_context, 
> if (use_ssl) {
>    SSL_CTX_set_options(my_ssl_context, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1); 
> //tweak SSLv23_client_method()
> }
> con = conn_open_tcp_nb(server_addr, server_port, NULL);
> SSL *ssl = SSL_new(my_ssl_context);
> conn_set_ssl(pc->con, ssl, NULL); //needs patch to Kannel
> Otherwise, without this second part of the patch, using a SSL method other 
> than the gwlib-hardcoded default SSLv23_client_method() would require a 
> workaround like this, creating the SSL inside gwlib and then resetting it:
> con = conn_open_ssl_nb(server_addr, server_port, NULL, NULL);
> SSL *conn_ssl = conn_get_ssl(pc->con);
> SSL_clear(conn_ssl);
> SSL_set_ssl_method(conn_ssl, use_ssl ? SSLv23_client_method() : 
> TLSv1_client_method());
> if (use_ssl) SSL_set_options(conn_ssl, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1);
> Note, the conn_set_ssl() public function introduced into conn.h, sets the SSL 
> only to a Connection created with conn_open_tcp*, and does not override the 
> existing SSL inside a Connection created by conn_open_ssl*. It also needs the 
> certkeyfile argument. Some essential reorganization of where SSL_new from the 
> global context is called inside conn.c was needed to implement this.
> The first part is very useful to trace openssl library errors on write, and I 
> think it should be definitely added to Kannel source. The second reorganizes 
> code inside conn.c and is not quite essential to the user, so you may or may 
> not accept it.
> Cheers!
> Artem
> -- реклама -----------------------------------------------------------
> Быстрый виртуальный хостинг с SSD. Домен в подарок!
> http://freehost.com.ua/unix/<ssl_set.patch>

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