On 9/1/06, Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Following further discussion within OLPC and consultation with some very
smart, well-known security folks on the outside to triple-check my
thinking (they were all fully satisfied), I've concluded that the
benefits convincingly outweigh the cons for us, and have requested that
the EC changes I proposed are implemented.

My understanding from the discussion on-list (Jim Getty's email) meant
using the "belt and suspenders" approach. Meaning, signed bios but
also holding down a key to update the BIOS. That would be sufficient
to stop mass update.

Did I read that wrong or did the decision change? Is there a
requirements or design specification somewhere I can take a look at
where decisions like are recorded or does it just go into the bug

-- John.
Devel mailing list

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