Am Sonntag, den 17.01.2010, 12:36 +0100 schrieb Nicolas Mailhot:

> IMHO the big plus of abrt is it triggers even when the user is not
> giving his full attention to the app and not checking what it does
> exactly when it crashes (typical example is multitasking and doing stuff
> in 3-4 apps when one dies). There is a huge class of crashes that were
> not reported before because the user had no idea what the app was doing
> exactly when it crashed and could not reproduce it with debuginfo later.

I doubt this very much. Many people don't report the bugs when the app
crashes but later, many reports in a row. Most of my reports read "I
have no idea what I was doing when foo crashed", even if they submitted
it straight after the crash. Only 2 out of ~40 contained the information
I needed to reproduce the crash reliably (as a site note: both are
fixed, so the number of crashes fixed it 4 but not 3 as I wrote in my
initial mail. 4/40 is still a bad percentage)


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