On 01/27/2010 02:17 PM, Michal Hlavinka wrote:
> Hi all,
> in Fedora we have pciutils binaries (lspci and setpci) in /sbin, both of them
> use pciutils-libs (/usr/lib/...) and afaik this is how it works for "ages".
> I'd like to move them from /sbin to /usr/sbin to have them with the same 
> prefix
> as library has. Do you think it can break anything?
> A few facts:
> 1)library is already in /usr/lib and lspci/setpci won't work without it
> 2)pci.ids (lives in hwdata package) is in /usr/share/hwdata
> 3)yum remove pciutils will remove only system-config-{firewall,network} as
> dependencies
> Do you think moving this is a bad idea?

The pciutils are valuable tools when trying to recover from situations 
when "things go utterly wrong".

> I think it should not break anything,
Is any bootup script using them? If so, then your plan is not applicable.

> only problem can be with separate /usr partition but because of library in
> /usr it would be already broken and I've not seen any complain about it ever.
Well, a separate /usr-partition has never worked on RH-based distros. 
You will hardly find any user using a separate /usr partition around here ;)

=> I'd actually recommend you to do the converse of what you are 
proposing, i.e. to make
pciutils work without /usr/

> If there are no complains, I'll move it next week (in rawhide only).


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