On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 10:32:19PM +0200, Muayyad AlSadi wrote:
> how about keyboard layout ?
> f-s-keyboard (now system-setup-keyboard) used to send
> /etc/sysconfig/keyboard
> conf through hal to X

the package is already updated to create
/etc/xorg.conf.d/00-system-setup-keyboard.conf (instead of merging into

> please consider the following points:
> we need to specify two layouts with functional switching
> (in previous releases we in ojuba.org were forced to hack and patch
> many packages like gdm to get switching, for example gdm does this:
> "system-wide conf should be ignored to let the user have a fancy menu
> having all layout", then it fail to activate switching)

I'm not sure I understand exactly what you need here, but AIUI you just need 

Section "InputClass"
  Identifier "custom layout"
  MatchIsKeyboard "on"
  Option "XkbLayout" "foo,bar"

save this as /etc/xorg.conf.d/99-custom-layout.conf and that should then
overwrite the config by system-setup-keyboard.

> we need to specify xim as default input method because it's the only
> input method that supports two-letters per key (needed for the two
> letters لا in Arabic layout located on key "b")
> BTW: how hard does it take to make the default input method support this ?

I cannot answer this, I've only had high-level interaction with input
methods so far.

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