On 02/17/2010 05:10 AM, Jesse Keating wrote:
> That's right folks, we are now branched for Fedora 13.  What does this
> mean to you?  Well that depends on who "you" are, here are some "you"s
> that we wrote about:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/No_frozen_rawhide_announce_plan#Use_Cases
> The real take away here is explained at
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Branch_Freeze_Policy
> The upshot is that if you want to get a build into Fedora 13, you gotta
> build from F-13/ and you gotta put it in bodhi.  The good news is that
> if your package isn't critical path, it's just like any other update in
> bodhi, you decide when it goes stable.  If it's critical path, releng or
> QA will have to give it karma, but that means somebody will look at it!
> (We're working on ways to make it more visible to the user that your
> package is critical path).
> There are new paths on the mirrors too:
> pub/fedora/linux/development/rawhide<-- this is the new home of
> rawhide.  Builds from devel/ go here.  This is now the F-14 development
> ground.
> pub/fedora/linux/development/13<-- this is the branched Fedora 13.
> Builds from F-13/ that make it through bodhi as stable show up here.
> This is what we'll use to make the Alpha, Beta, Final release and all
> the snapshots in between and the nightly attempt at instllable images.
> pub/fedora/linux/updates/testing/13<-- this is where the testing
> updates go for the branched 13.  Test 'em here before they go to stable.
> For a better picture, see
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/No_frozen_rawhide_announce_plan#Tree.2FRepo_Overview
> I have disabled the rsync part of the rawhide compose process so that I
> can do things by hand tomorrow and ensure we don't screw up the mirrors,
> so you'll see a delay in things.  We'll also do the branched tree
> compose by hand as well and then sync the output at the same time to
> preserve hardlinks.  It'll be a fun day!  Hop by #fedora-devel if you've
> got questions and somebody will try to help you.
> Welcome to the world of No Frozen Rawhide!!!

Am I correct in assuming, wcorresponding mock setups for and yum 
mirrorlists reflecting this new setup will be in place in time when 
these repos go on-line?


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