On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 7:31 AM, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kof...@chello.at> wrote:
> Paul W. Frields wrote:
>> How'd it happen?  I commented directly in the Bugzilla bugs with the
>> link and told the subscribers to the bugs that the package would not
>> be issued until some of them tested it and posted feedback to tell me
>> their bugs were fixed.
> I see why you're doing it, but still, this is essentially blackmailing
> users, I'm not sure it's a good plan to follow.

Sorry, I really need to know if my users experience something
different than me before I feel comfortable pushing a package update
out. This is especially true for a package where I personally am
acquainted with a dozen or more users who use it -- meaning there are
likely thousands of users out there affected my update. I'm not being
pretentious about my or my package's importance to those users, just
trying to make sure I don't make things any worse for them if I have
an opportunity to do better.

Turns out my actual text was a bit less stark:
"The sooner we receive feedback, the sooner we'll know whether we can release
this update to the stable distribution.  Thanks for participating."

But there was a singular goal, which is to encourage people to try out
the update so we'd have more assurance the problem was indeed fixed.

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