drago01 wrote:
> There has been a draft a while ago which did not result into much
> discussion ..
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Desktop/Whiteboards/UpdateExperience
> Which looks pretty sane to me.

It looks very insane to me:
* only critical bugfixes, security fixes and hardware enablement for an 
arbitrary class of "system" packages which isn't defined anywhere. Not even 
general bugfixes! IMHO that's not at all what Fedora is or should be about.
* only weekly pushes. We should target daily pushes. Our current pushes are 
too rare, not too frequent. People who only want to update once a week 
should just only update once a week. I don't see how us pushing once a day 
would be a problem for them! It's important to push updates as frequently as 
possibles so users get to decide when to update. We shouldn't decide for 
them. Some users may want to update on Tuesdays, others on Sundays, others 
(like me) as often as possible. Daily (or more frequent, but our 
infrastructure would probably not like that) updates make that possible. 
Weekly pushes force an arbitrary weekday onto everybody.
* application enhancement updates "at the discretion of the upstream brand"? 
Why should it be upstream's business what updates we push in our 

Sorry, but as I already said back when this was originally proposed, that 
proposal makes no sense whatsoever to me.

        Kevin Kofler

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