On 01/03/10 11:17, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Frank Murphy wrote:
>> It's also called "political licence"
> No, it's not really the same thing. ;-)
> I didn't try to distort your viewpoint, just highlight the contradictions.
> But this time I'm replying in order. :-)
>> If you mean these points from "Mail Lists" then yes.
> Yes, that's what I mean.
>> The why\how is it a bug?
>> Who decided?
>> Handshake?
> Upstream? Whoever reported it there?

Therefor whover reported it will know.

>> If it's a bug and you (generic) know about it,
>> please refrence it in bugzilla,
>> even if only providing a link to upstream Bugzilla\Similar
> So I should file bugs against my own packages just to link to an already
> existing and already fixed upstream bug report? What kind of useless
> bureaucracy would THAT be? :-/

Well, I have to agree, if only you have the bug.
If's it's an upstram bug, that affects more Fedora users
than the packager then yes refrence it,

Because most Fedora users will go redhat.bugzilla first to check for 

>> Thats what Bugzilla is for.
>> If people so not report bugs,
>> they should be educated to do so.
>> Whether user\dev\packager\ etc..
>> No one is a mind reader.
> It doesn't take a mind reader to realize that an upstream BUGFIX release,
> well, FIXES BUGS! ;-)

It does if it fixes problems in Fedora,
if it doesn't is it needed?

>> Semantics.
>> You want embellishment go Rawhide.
>> otherwise stick with Security\Bugs as updates.
> I don't think that's a good plan. Running Rawhide is NOT something an
> average user should have to do. A voluntary tester, sure, but not a user who
> just wants to use the system and needs the latest kernel, e.g. for his
> hardware to work.

On that I would agree.

With the exception,
that if the update fixes a problem he doesn't have,
why should it be pushed on him.

And package logs to the system user, well.
Thats' where the description would come in handy.
Links to bz are fine, but some updates at first glance,
have no need to be pushed. No bz, nothing only it's got a new icon (etc.).


Frank Murphy
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