On 03/03/2010 01:07 PM, Rakesh Pandit wrote:
> On 3 March 2010 16:23, Thomas Janssen wrote:
> [..]
>> BUT, Fedora was my choice BECAUSE i get/got the latest and greatest.
>> Even without running rawhide/factory/cooker.
> [..]
> Well, update to latest release (every 6 month) and you will get latest
> and greatest anyway.
I read your statement as you are wanting to treat Fedora as a rawhide 
snapshots. The sad truth is, it's exactly as what I have perceived 
recent Fedora releases haved evolved into.

> Updating old releases to latest and greatest
> (features and new versions) has a cost,
Correct. The key to manage this "cost" is many people sharing their time 
and efforts. People who can't provide their share of this "cost" should 
abstain from maintaining packages in Fedora.

> unless update is essential, or
> a serious bugfix or security fix.
There are many other things but "serious bugfixes" and "security fixes".
The world isn't "black'n'white", only.

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