On Thu, Mar 04, 2010 at 12:55:46AM +0100, Till Maas wrote:

> So here is a first ugly script to easily give feedback for all installed
> testing updates that were created after a certain date (I did not find
> an easy way to get all testing updates, one did not yet comment on):
> http://till.fedorapeople.org/tmp/give-feedback.py
> It kind of works like this: Show the update, ask for karma to create a
> comment, otherwise it is skipped. Then a comment needs to be entered.
> Sometimes it will ask for the FAS password using the bodhi client.
> Update: rpmdevtools-7.8-1.fc12
> Comment? -1/0/1 ->karma, other -> skip> 1
> Comment> "rpmdev-newspec foo" still works
> The prompt has readline support, so if you just want to use the same
> comment again and again, you can use cursor-up to get the comment again.
> Btw. the script fails in case only subpackages of a package are
> installed. But if it is used, I will create a saner version.
> Nevertheless, there is also now the Fedora Engineering Service, so if
> you want to improve your testing tools, you might want to ask there.

A less ugly script can now be found here:
- display update details, e.g. bugs and notes
- use src.rpm to find matching update
- skip updates that have already been commented

With this giving karma is so simple, that there is no excuse for not
doing so. I'll add an git repo and clean it up more the next days.


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