On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 13:06, Steven I Usdansky
<usdans...@rocketmail.com> wrote:
> Instead of worrying about the occasional brokenness caused by an update to a 
> stable release, how about focusing on a mechanism to easily recover from it? 
> As long as the update hasn't corrupted any critical files, my non-optimal 
> solution is to head over to koji, grab the last version of the broken package 
> set that worked for me, and install. If yum could be persuaded to stash the 
> required deltas locally, and downgrade using those local deltas upon request, 
> I'd be a very happy camper.

$ yum history
  look at the transaction id you want to undo

$ yum history undo <id>

However, that's not a proper solution:
- yum will show the update again next time it is run
- yum might be broken due to the update you are trying to revert
- the package is in the repos, so people installing it (not updating
to it) can't revert

Your proposal especially doesn't address the third point. How do
effectively you rollback the package on the mirrors when you don't
control them?

Mathieu Bridon
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