On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 8:55 AM, Frank Murphy <frankl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/03/10 19:27, Adam Williamson wrote:
> --snipped--
>>> Bringing it back to dialup.
>>> Fedora liveCD 500-700mb
>>> CentOS DVD 3.5GB app.
>>> Fedora 1, CentOS 0
>> In my experience, many users with restricted bandwidth actually prefer a
>> *larger* install image, as then they at least have a databank of
>> software available without an internet connection.
> I bow to your experience.
> They will often
>> acquire a DVD image from someone with a faster connection, or just by
>> buying a DVD through the post or whatever, and then they can install
>> most everything they need without using the internet connection. This is
>> not possible with the restricted range of software available on the live
>> image.
> Then why not change the way Fedora is presented in the release notes.
> (said in half jest yesterday, by myself)
> That to keep Fedora fully updated
> "A highspeed internet connection is recommended"

Yes, why not. Sounds absolutely fair play to me.

LG Thomas

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