On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 19:33:30 +0100,
  Mathieu Bridon <boche...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> Once every months, I install Fedora on some users system (recurring
> release party the first saturday of each months) using the liveCD so I
> can teach them how to do it themselves. After the install is finished,
> we don't have time/bandwidth to apply the huge amount of updates that
> were released between F12 GA and now, so I have to leave him with the
> job half done. All I can do is tell him how to update and then pray
> that his system won't be broken afterwards, because if it is, I'm sure
> I won't ever have a chance to fix it for him next month.

For events like this you might consider using custom spins or respins
done by Unity. It doesn't completely solve the problem, but it does prevent
an initial very large update.
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