On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 07:38:43AM +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Till Maas wrote:
> > These requirements render the karma automatism useless for all branches
> > except F13, because the fedora-packager package in F12 was iirc pushed
> > automatically after it received enough testing. If this implies, that
> > that the package should also be pushed in F13, then this should happen
> > automatically, too. Automatic default behaviour that leads to failure
> > should not exist.
> Karma automatism is completely broken and useless, how's that news?

If this is common knowledge, why does it still exist?

> It's quite sad that the rest of FESCo wants to rely on such brokenness even 
> more in the future (with me being the only one who refused to vote for such 
> a broken plan which just smells of failure). Numeric karma should be 
> abolished entirely, not made a requirement for anything.

IMHO numeric karma is better than nothing, but I agree that it can be
improved a lot.


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