
2010/4/20 Slava Zanko <slavaza...@gmail.com>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi folk,
> I want to propose new idea about names of command line utilites...
> For example, all present utilites have sence just for guru's (ls, rm,
> fsck etc), but for novies it's hard to use. Is good idea to symlink'ing
> (shell aliasing) these and much more utilz to another names? Like to:
> ls -> filesystem.list
> rm -> filesystem.remove
> fsck.* -> filesystem.check.*
> mkfs.* -> filesystem.make.*
> convert -> media.convert.image
> mencoder -> media.convert.video
> oggenc -> media.convert.audio.ogg
> mplayer -> media.player.*
> etc

I really don't know why I like this idea... seems to be pretty cool.

I wouldn't use it day to day shall use, but it could be IMHO useful in
shell scripts when:
- it will be implemented in all unix os'es
- it will standardize program parameters

Let's imagine such situation - you need to write portable shell script
(I know "portable" and "shell script" is a bad joke ;)) across many
- on OS A you need to use program foo with flag --bar
- on OS B you need to use program bas with --foo flag

It could be standarised with
do.that.thing --most-popular-flag-that-do-the-trick

> This idea will be easy to realize (need to make at first time one rpm
> package with lot of symlinks... and then long-time work in all present
> rpm-packages for respect this technology). But we need for
> standartization of alias names... in ideal case, standartization must
> touch all distros (new standard?)
> P.S. This not my idea. Originally from:
> http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.linux.org.ru%2Fforum%2Ftalks%2F4797323&sl=ru&tl=en
> Thanks for attention.
> - --
> WBR, Slavaz.
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