On 04/25/2010 07:37 PM, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-04-25 at 10:08 -0500, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
>> I don't see how using Mozilla trademarks provides significant benefit
>> to Fedora. It seems to mostly benefit Mozilla. I don't see why we should
>> be breaking our rules to help them.
> I think you are grossly misjudging the relative visibility and
> importance of the Firefox and Fedora brands... nobody knows what Fedora
> is, while most computer users will have at least heard about Firefox.

Does this justify Fedora throwing the principles of "Free SW" over board?

IMO, *no* - it's time to spread the world about Mozilla's trademark 
policy violating the prinicples of Free SW and Fedora's Mozilla being 
hostage of it.

In other words, if Fedora hasn't already entirely abandoned the original 
motivations and foundations it once was based on, it's time for Fedora 
to very serously reconsider their attitude on Mozilla packages.


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