> ok. Thats 3 of us...
> Ionuț: Could you mail us any info about the current state of the package or
> any gotchas?

Thanks for picking this up, guys!

The latest issue was figuring out a way to unbundle the modified pychm 
that calibre was shipping. That was in calibre 0.6.46. There's a 0.6.47 
in -devel with other improvements.

Other than that (and if they haven't added any more bundled libs since), 
the other problems should be documented in their respective tickets.

Also the relationship that we (and other distributors) have with 
upstream could be improved. Right now, they're not really interested in 
making things standards-compliant or license-abiding or 
library-unbundling ;) [1][2]

There's also the somewhat delicate problem of calibre requiring the 
unfree libunrar for a little part of its functionality, namely CBR file 

[1] http://bugs.calibre-ebook.com/ticket/4715#comment:9
[2] http://bugs.calibre-ebook.com/ticket/3832

- Ionuț
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