On Fri, 2010-05-14 at 15:31 -0400, goinea...@aol.com wrote:
> Hi 
> I'm reaching my one year anniversary using fedora, so I guess it's
> time to stop lurking and start writing, so here goes.
> Back in November I added my two cents to the bugzilla report titled
> "Increase grub timeout".  Today I got a notification the it has been
> set as WontFix.  The reason by Chris Lumen in his last paragraph
> states:
> I'm closing as WONTFIX only on that basis. Don't take it as an offence
> or that
> we'll never change this behavior. I'm just not willing to fix it until
> there's
> distribution buy-in. Thanks. 

The bug # he's discussing is below..


> OK, no offense taken, and, I understand that for marketing, saving a few 
> seconds off of boot-up time is an immense selling point, especially when all 
> the distros stand up next to one another and try to write their boot up times 
> into the snow.
> Reading the forums and the mailing lists, I don't think I've come across one 
> post that is positive for keeping the timeout at zero, yet, there is a wall 
> to be hurdled called "distribution buy-in".
> After close to a year using fedora, I know that the first thing I have to do 
> is change the timeout to a 3 and comment out hiddenmenu.  But as a new user, 
> it took a while for me to figure out what was going on.  I feel for the new 
> user who has a video card that is not immediately recognized and winds up 
> with a black screen after the boot.  I have had this happen to me personally 
> doing an install, and, there have been some installs where hitting esc would 
> not stop the boot.  I've had to ssh into one machine to change the timeout, 
> just so I could add "vesa" to the kernel line during boot.
> As someone who spends his time helping Linux users on forums, it would really 
> help a lot to remove this obstacle.  It doesn't make sense to lock a new user 
> out of the grub screen.

Not sure I know what the results are of whom discussed this or who
agreed or disagreed as to keep it same or not.  But I am the one who
opened the bug in the first place.

Mike Chambers
Madisonville, KY

"Best lil town on Earth!"

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