
> > As the new MD relies on a version of Mono.Cecil which is newer than the
> > version in gac is it permissible to ship MD-2.4 with this newer version?
> > The version in gac remains untouched by this new version so other
> > applications reliant on the old version will still run.
> Wouldn't it make sense to instead update the packaged version of
> mono.cecil and fix any older apps?

It depends is the easy answer. Quite a lot of apps rely on the old
version and to fix them may not be simple.

I personally would prefer to create a mono.cecil package by itself which
everything else sucks from...



Biggles was quietly reading his favourite book when Algy burst through
the door. Distracted for a moment, Biggles surveyed what had happened
and turned a page. "Algy old man" he said, clearing his throat, "use the
handle next time..." - Taken from "Biggles combs his Hair"

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