On Sat, 29.05.10 21:00, Roberto Ragusa (m...@robertoragusa.it) wrote:

> Kevin Kofler wrote:
> > Roberto Ragusa wrote:
> >> I need to change firewalls rules and routing rules in the middle of the
> >> init scripts, because I have a multihomed internet connection and remote
> >> filesystems and I need the firewall closed and then opened in a way which
> >> is dependent on the IP I got from the ISP
> > Ugh! Are you sure there's no better solution?!
> Kevin, this is not an exactly real scenario, but I wanted to say that
> sometimes it is useful to *hack* something in the middle of the init
> script for some reason.

And this is why systemd allows you to do that. You can patch the
.service files the way you want, and can hook shell scripts into various
places, if you want to. And on top of this it adds a couple of debug
helpers such as interactive, serialized boot-up and proper tracing of
what is being executed.


Lennart Poettering                        Red Hat, Inc.
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