On Tue, 3 May 2016 11:22:30 -0500
Adam Miller <maxamill...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> Collection of RPMs is fine, the goal is just not to ship non-rpm code
> or content yet outside of Docker-ized application control scripts
> where needed/applicable.

> It shouldn't but it can in the future, I was more or less replicating
> this information in the beginning to hopefully leave some space for
> this to change in the future of the Fedora Modularization efforts
> because a module could potentially have it's own versioning scheme
> outside of the content inside of it.

Has it been decided that modules are docker containers? 

> > And any guidelines on naming? Just use common sense? They will have
> > to be unique.  
> Yes, need to be unique. This is going to follow the RPM naming
> guidelines for now.

Well, sure, but say I make a container that is some web app + web
server + database. Do I call it by the app name? The web server name? A

> > I guess the build system has network access and people can put
> > anything in CMD lines? How can we make reproducible builds? Or
> > should CMD be restricted to only some network resources.  
> The build system does currently but ultimately doesn't need it since
> we can inject internal Fedora mirrors into the build environment that
> the container is built in. Which is something we may or may not want
> to do. The CMD lines likely need some guidelines around them and
> should be added to the doc.

Yeah, if we aren't restricting the network for builds, anyone can do
anything in a CMD line right? and since it depends on something
outside in the net it may be changed or gone later when we rebuild. 
> > So it's assumed here that someone is a packager to submit new
> > container reviews? Or would we want some kind of 'containerger'
> > role for people who maintainer containers?  
> That's up for discussion. I think they should be separate because
> being well versed in creating Docker images doesn't inherently mean
> someone is well versed in creating RPMs, just as the inverse is not
> inherently true. I've in the past gotten some flack for that opinion
> so I'd definitely like that to be opened up to more discussion.

Sure. I think seperate would be ok. 

> > I agree with the folks downthread we can make a bugzilla "Container
> > Review" to compliment Package Review. Unless we think we can spin
> > up a review application for these (like we are still hopefully
> > planning on doing for packages someday).  
> +1
> >
> > Also, we will need to make pkgdb create components for each
> > container as well for people to report bugs against.  
> +1 - I'm honestly not sure how to go about that, I assume I need to
> send a request to BZ folks somehow but how BZ is admin'd/hosted is a
> bit of a black box to me. I would appreciate advisement on that.

Fedora Infrastructure has a admin user that can create components and
such under the "Fedora" Product. So, just a infrastructure ticket would
be the way to go. 


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