On Thursday, May 12, 2016 9:36:32 AM CDT Jan Kurik wrote:
> = Proposed System Wide Change: Use /etc/distro.repos.d as default reposdir =
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ReposInEtcDistroReposD
> Change owner(s):
> * Neal Gompa <ngompa13 at gmail dot com>
> * Jan Silhan <jsilhan at fedoraproject dot org>
> == Detailed Description ==
> For DNF 2.0 in Fedora 25, the DNF team would like to make the default
> repository configuration directory /etc/distro.repos.d. In contrast to
> /etc/yum.repos.d (current default path), /etc/distro.repos.d path is a
> package manager agnostic name and less misleading. The configuration
> files are currently used by DNF, PackageKit, and Yum. The proposed
> location more accurately reflects the nature of the repositories, and
> also implies that other tools can look there for repository
> information. Note: current default repository configuration directory
> /etc/yum.repos.d will still be supported by package managers but
> /etc/distro.repos.d would be preferred default path.
> == Scope ==
> * Proposal owners:
> DNF already supports /etc/distro.repos.d, but it should be set as default.
> Yum will need to use the new path by default while supporting the current
> one.
> * Other developers:
> PackageKit's Hif backend will need to use the new path by default
> while supporting the current one.
> fedora-repos and fedora-workstation-repositories will need to change
> to the new path.
you probably should have talked to the owners of effected components before 
filing the change. 

As others have mentioned I do not think that distro.repos.d is not really 
appropriate. I also suspect that the idea of putting them in /usr/lib/ 
somewhere and allowing local overriding py dropping snippets in /etc/ will be 
a lot fo work to yum adding new features that we probably do not want to do.

rpm.repos.d may be the best name if we grow to support maven, npm, rubygems, 
etc repos  they could use <packagemanager>.repos.d for consistency

> * Release engineering: N/A
> List of deliverables: N/A (Not needed for this Change)
> * Policies and guidelines:
> Packages containing repository configuration will need to change to
> store repo files in /etc/distro.repos.d.
> * Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)

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