On Sun, Jul 04, 2010 at 01:32:16AM +0200, Michel Alexandre Salim wrote:

> Could a flag be added to only output the package names, so that I can
> pipe the output directly to yum? Or even better, have that flag
> automatically cause the bodhi client to invoke yum with
> --enable-repo=updates-testing with the packages required.

You can just install all critpath updates using:

yum groupinstall --enable-repo=\*-testing critical-path\* core

and then use f-e-k from git with --critpath-only to get only asked for
the unapproved ones.

Or if you apply this patch to bodhi:

Then you can use:
yum install --enable-repo=\*-testing $(bodhi 2>/dev/null --critpath --untested 
--release F13 | cut -d" "
-f 2) to achieve what you want.

Also according to James Antill you can use
yum install yum-filter-data plugin and then

yum --filter-groups=critical-path\* --filter-groups=core update

to install only the critpath updates that update packages on your
system. But I did not yet test this. And I do not know how the two
--filter-groups arguments behave, but unluckily "core" is currently a
critical path comps group according to
I objected to this on the Talk page, so hopefully this will change.


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