On 07/11/2016 11:18 AM, Michal Novotny wrote:
> Hello,
> as a new Fedora Infrastructure apprentice, I am currently working on
> this first infrastructure ticket
> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/3748.
> Basically, I updated an old script that collects stats on packages
> reviews present on Bugzilla. I wonder if this information could actually
> be useful (or at least interesting) to some people and if weekly
> automated updates (as described in the ticket) are worth the effort :).
> To find this out, I ran the script manually to show you what kind of
> information it provides. There are two different kind of stats the
> script can collect - completed and in-progress reviews.
> ...
> ---
> Would you be interested in getting some of this info (part1, part2 or
> both parts) regularly?
> Thank you for any feedback!
> clime

Interesting. Could be useful get all stalled reviews and since how many
time they are.

Antonio Trande
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