On Thu, 2016-08-04 at 11:41 -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Thu, 2016-08-04 at 16:07 +0100, Peter Robinson wrote:
> > 
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > We are planning to change the way Alternate Architectures (non x86_64)
> > are handled
> > in terms of "primary" vs "secondary". The definition of what is
> > primary or secondary
> > is already handled more in terms of the build artifact outputs (images, 
> > LiveCDs,
> > installers, containers etc) for i686 deliverables. As part of this 
> > redefinition
> > this means that the location in "koji instances" of the rpm builds is 
> > removed as
> > a part of the definition requirement of what constitutes
> > primary/secondary and the
> > architectures are named "Alternate Architectures" (and Experimental
> > architectures
> > for the likes of MIPs/RISC-V) as opposed to primary/secondary. As a
> > result of this
> > change it is planned to merge the old "secondary" koji instances into a 
> > single
> > koji instance along with all the current "Primary" architectures.
> > 
> > All the details of the proposal along with FAQ have been put on a wiki
> > page here[1]
> > so please go and read it and ask any questions that aren't answered in
> > the FAQ here.
> I do have serious concerns about the impact of this in terms of build
> failures. Reading the reply to " Q: Why do I have to worry about
> s390x/powerpc/aarch64 when I didn't before?", it implies there will be
> no change to koji in terms of build failures: i.e. a failure on *any*
> arch will cause the entire build to be failed.

Sorry, just saw there was a more specific entry for my concern,
"Q: Will a single arch failure affect the overall build failure?" Still
not 100% sure, but thanks for addressing it.
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