On 10/19/2016 04:29 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:
On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 03:54:57PM +0200, Jan Kurik wrote:
== Detailed Description ==
Add blivet-gui as an alternative option for storage configuration in
Anaconda Installer.

I'm in favor of this; it addresses one of the persistant remaining
complaints I hear from systems administrators and Linux enthusiasts
(the latter usually with very strong opinions on how they want things)
about the new Anaconda. It's currently hard to respond to these without
telling people that their preferences are wrong - which is not a strong
way to convince someone.

That's exactly the reason to add this option.

I do hope there is UX thought put into how to present the choice,
though -- making it available without making the whole process seem 4x
as complicated seems like a challenge.

The change in the storage spoke* will be very small. Now, you have to choose between autopart and manual storage configuration and we will add a third option to use blivet-gui (it will be probably labeled "expert storage configuration" or something like that) and blivet-gui will be in a separate spoke -- just like the current "manual" configuration (custom spoke).

*) Storage Spoke is the "Installation Destination" screen -- https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/21/html-single/Installation_Guide/images/anaconda/StorageSpoke.png
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