On Thu, Jul 08, 2010 at 06:32:37PM -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> I think it probably doesn't 'work', in the sense that you can't install
> the f13 -devel i686 and x86-64 packages together, but in another sense
> that's fine, as I don't think our multilib policy says you _will_ be
> able to install -devel packages together and it's not a huge tragedy if
> you can't. So that would certainly be an improvement. Just being able to
> install the main lib package is the most important thing.
I remember a big push to make multilib -devel work many many Fedora releases
ago.  Possibly pre-Core Extras merge.

If those files are exactly the same in both the x86 and x86_64 package they
should be okay under multilib.  If they aren't exactly the same they should
go in a path that either has the arch in the pathname or the bitedness
(lib64 vs lib)


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