2016-11-14 14:01 GMT+01:00 Stephen Gallagher <sgall...@redhat.com>:
> On 11/13/2016 01:46 PM, Ms Sanchez wrote:
>> On 11/11/16 14:33, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
>>> Just to address this specifically, I am referring to Apple's penchant for
>>> stuffing their machines with hardware from vendors that don't play well with
>>> open-source (for example, switching to wifi-only devices and shipping 
>>> Broadcom
>>> chipsets with no open-source drivers). Then also playing games with their
>>> bootloader system so that we have to go through lots of hoops to trick it 
>>> into
>>> letting us install.
>>> Apple's entire business model is predicated on the idea that they know best 
>>> and
>>> you should only ever run software on their devices that they have provided 
>>> to
>>> you... at a substantial percentage for themselves. They do whatever they 
>>> can at
>>> a technical level to enable this.
>>> (Note: I'm not attempting to vilify Apple here. Their devices are usually
>>> sturdy, well-constructed and certainly attractive. They are however a 
>>> company
>>> trying to make money and they have a certain business model that is largely
>>> dependent on *not* enabling us.)
>> Apple's business model is based on selling you a golden cage.  They are 
>> entitled
>> to do that and we are entitled to dislike it.
> Certainly. My point is that I don't feel that we are necessarily responsible 
> for
> working around their antagonism either. Yes, it would be nice if Fedora
> supported all hardware ever made. But the simple truth is that Apple tries 
> very
> hard to make it *not* work. They have a vested interest in that.
> So I assert that while support for Apple hardware is desirable, I don't 
> believe
> that the lack of it should prevent us from shipping Fedora for all the other
> hardware that we do support.

If you stop supporting certain hardware right before release due to a
regression bug you set a very troublesome precedent. It not only means
that the work people did developing and testing the features where
wasted, it also means that Fedora can toss out any feature at any time
if there is a bug. And that is not a very stable OS to use and
contribute to.

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