On Sun, 20 Nov 2016 14:36:54 -0600
Michael Catanzaro <mcatanz...@gnome.org> wrote:

> On Sun, 2016-11-20 at 12:29 -0700, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> > One question: So, 6 months is long enough for you to use a longer
> > passphrase, but 1 week is not. Where is the line?   
> I don't know. 6 months seemed good to me. What is the security goal
> here?

Well, this same ticket will hopefully be used to sign you into various
Fedora Infrastructure websites too at some point, so 6 months is way
too long for that IMHO. 

> > and Two suggestions: 
> > 
> > 1. Use a password manager? I recommend 'pass' it's quite simple,
> > uses gpg and files in a git repo. Then you fas password is just a
> > 'pass -c fas' away.   
> I already use seahorse because I use Fedora Workstation. There's
> absolutely no way to use different passwords for different services
> without a password manager, so good thing it's built-in to our
> desktop. Does this new system have secret service integration? (I
> doubt it.)

Sure, use whatever you like. pass uses gpg, so if you are using
gnome-keyring it can cache your passphrase for you, but not sure what
other integration you mean. 

> > 2. Use a passphrase you can remember. Isn't:
> > 
> > My FAS password is long, but I can always, always remember it.!
> > 
> > easier to remember than some
> > 
> > jkas63opqp 
> > 
> > string? 
> > 
> > kevin  
> I can't type half that many worlds without a typo or two, so that's
> going to be frustarting. ;) Why would somebody want to type that long
> thing rather than "2016sucked"?

Because it's much easier to remember and its much less easy to crack. 
You just typed this email without (at least any that I saw) typos. ;) 

> Anyway, from 3 minutes of looking into Kerberos it's not clear to me
> whether password strength is actually important, and it is clear I'm
> not qualified to write about it, so I'll shut up now.

I'll stop here too. ;) 


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